About Us

Our Vision

Welcome to ENSŌ Powerlifting. We are a community driven group of individuals, who aspire to empower the sport by providing accessible knowledge that goes beyond the technical. We recognise that Powerlifting is not just a journey of strength, but also of holistic development and personal growth. We deliver athlete-centered coaching, as we believe that every athlete deserves to be the stars of their own stories. We seek to be a platform for people to share about their journeys, and our content draws from the expertise and experiences of various members of the community. If you feel that you have something valuable to share, contact us, and start contributing today.

- Meet The Team -

Wei Cong

Coach, Director, Co-Founder

In my role as director of ENSO, I am responsible for leading and guiding our team towards success. However, my passion for powerlifting extends beyond ENSO. In 2018, I co-founded Powerlifting NUS with some close friends, many of whom are now part of our current team. I also served as the University Teams Development Director with Powerlifting Singapore from 2018 to 2022, where I focused on developing the tertiary scene and building clubs for student powerlifters. My belief in powerlifting as a refuge and community for students is what drives my aspirations for the sport. I dream of coaching a varsity team to win the University Powerlifting Cup for Singapore one day, and I hope to achieve this with the support of ENSO. As a coach, I am passionate about guiding and supporting those who are injured or struggling with their training. Seeing an athlete accomplish a goal they have worked towards is incredibly rewarding, and I strive to ensure that nobody in the gym will have to suffer in silence. To further my knowledge, I have recently completed my education in Physiotherapy (BSc).


Coach, Operations, Co-Founder

The coach plays the crucial role of an educator, confidant, and supporter. I believe that as a coach, I have an important role in imparting knowledge, guiding my athlete’s learning, and value-adding to their overall experience. My personal mission is to see my athletes achieve their goals and become better versions of themselves – stronger, more intelligent, and most importantly, resilient in the face of adversity.


Publicity, Co-Founder

I hope to learn and experience more within powerlifting. With ENSО̄, I hope to collaborate and create powerlifting content for the community. Powerlifting is, for us, a form of retreat from the demands in everyday life. I hope to bring the same comfort to newer lifters and share more about the process and joy that lifting together brings. Society is competitive enough and everything doesn’t have to be a competition. 

Wei Ying

Coach, Logistics

I have competed and coached Powerlifting and Strength Training for over 8 years. With a background in clinical and sport psychology, I love generating discourse about mental health in sport. At ENSŌ, I would like to develop well-rounded athletes – both physically strong and mentally resilient, and adopt an ecological model in training.


Coach, Marketing

There is less value in burning twice as bright, if you can only burn half as long. I believe that in all pursuits, sustainability should be a priority, and powerlifting is no different. As a coach, it is rewarding to be in a position to navigate athletes through their various life stressors, and help them develop confidence in their athletic potential. Having a less than ideal schedule tends to be the norm rather than the exception, and my job is to assist my athletes to progress through these hurdles they face. To do this, I strive to open up communication channels with my athletes. Together, we come up with strategies that they can execute to achieve their goals, through gradual and attainable changes over time. To that end, I seek to work with a diverse group of athletes who face different challenges. I would like to prove that being an athlete is a privilege that everyone deserves.


Coach Mentor, Editor

Never shy away from an opportunity to learn and embolden yourself. I am ENSŌ’s resident coach mentor. My agenda is to ensure that ENSŌ’s coaches are critical thinkers yet empathetic decision-makers. My contribution is to facilitate learning and discussions amongst our internal coaches and also external professionals, athletes and coaches as well so that we grow and evolve as a team. This will pave the way for a larger talent pool of coaches and subsequently powerlifters and strength enthusiasts of varying levels of participation. My personal skill-set consists of formal education and training in Sport Science (Bsc), Physiotherapy (BSc) and Strength and Conditioning (NSCA-CSCS), reinforced by a decade’s worth of anecdotes and experiences from coaching, and from learning with other coaches and professionals.